📚✨ Day 2 of Professional Development! ✨📚 Tiverton teachers, support staff, and teacher assistants are diving deep into trauma-informed training and an in depth exploration of the innovative Eureka Math 2curriculum. Together, we’re building a stronger, more supportive learning environment for our students! 💪🍎
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Dear Tiverton Parents and Guardians, The Tiverton School Committee meeting scheduled for Today, August 27th has been canceled. All Agenda items have been moved to the next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th. Have a great evening, Tiverton Public Schools
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
🎉 Shout out to the incredible Tiverton teachers, support staff and teacher assistants who kicked off the school year with an impactful first day of PD! From mastering SafetyCare, to deepening their knowledge in Mental Health First Aid, exploring UDL, and diving into the future with AI in the Classroom, this team is truly committed to excellence and innovation in education. ⭐️🌟✨
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
We have partnered with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, www.mlkccenter.org, to start a Food Bank at Tiverton High School. Families of Tiverton Public School students facing food insecurity may visit the Tiverton High School Food Bank on Tuesdays beginning August 27th. The food bank will be open on August 27th from 3:45pm - 5:45pm and beginning September 3rd 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm every Tuesday (excluding school holidays). When visiting the food bank, please enter through the main doors, and turn left after the office. Please bring your own bags if you have them. The only requirement is that families will need to provide their student's name(s) and number per household. Please contact Lee Ann McCarthy at lmccarthy@tivertonschools.org for more information.
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Tiverton High Schools Girls Tennis Car Wash! Saturday Aug 17th @ 10:30am - 1:30 PM
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Tiverton High Schools Girls Tennis Car Wash Saturday
Tiverton Volleyball Car Show
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
The USA Today Back to School 2024 issue features an article that includes Tiverton Middle School's 6th grade civics lessons. Students used engaging iCivics resources and partnered with Rhode Island's chief elections officer, Secretary of State Gregg M. Amore, to learn about the importance of voting and hold a schoolwide mock election. The 6th grade also piloted a project to improve the voter turnout rate. The full article appears on pages 102-104. https://usatodayspecial-va.newsmemory.com/?special=Back+to+School&date=20240730.
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
The USA Today Back to School 2024 issue features an article that includes Tiverton Middle School's 6th grade civics lessons. Students used engaging iCivics resources and partnered with Rhode Island's chief elections officer, Secretary of State Gregg M. Amore, to learn about the importance of voting and hold a schoolwide mock election. The 6th grade also piloted a project to improve the voter turnout rate. The full article appears on pages 102-104. https://usatodayspecial-va.newsmemory.com/?special=Back+to+School&date=20240730.
Good afternoon Tiverton Community, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new after-school program, Beyond the Bell. This program will replace the previous Tiger Cubs offering. Beyond the Bell is designed as an extension of our Early Risers program, which operates before school hours. For any questions, please contact us at earlyrisers@tivertonschools.org. For additional details, visit our website: https://www.tivertonschools.org/page/early-risers-program https://www.tivertonschools.org/o/tsd/page/beyondthebell
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Beyond the Bell
Calling rising female Freshman athletes!!! Mark your calendars for THS tennis team tryouts! This is a no cut team, meaning there are unlimited spots on JV.
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Calling rising female Freshman athletes!!! Mark your calendars for THS tennis team tryouts! This is a no cut team, meaning there are unlimited spots on JV.
The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Lunch application is now available. Apply online today at https://www.nlappscloud.com/District.aspx?apply=1
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Lunch application is now available. Apply online today at https://www.nlappscloud.com/District.aspx?apply=1
Kindergarten Orientation Wednesday August 21st We cannot wait to welcome your child to Kindergarten. Thank you for saving this date for the Family Orientations to Kindergarten. This date applies to all three schools, for registered students only. More info to follow the week of August 5th. We hope that your child & you can attend!
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
K Orientation
In an effort to aid families complete their Meal Benefit Application for the next academic year, RIDE is conducting a series of communities' events in different locations throughout the State of Rhode Island. At these events they will have a team of consultants assisting families with their applications. Flyer: https://5il.co/2qbi2
9 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Tiverton High Schools Girls Tennis Car Wash Saturday July 6th @ 10:30am - 1:30 PM
9 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Calling rising female Freshman athletes!!! Mark your calendars for THS tennis team tryouts! This is a no cut team, meaning there are unlimited spots on JV. There are two opportunities this summer to learn how to play/improve your game and meet the coaches and team. 1) Wednesday night USTA Tennis in the Parks via Tiverton Recreation coached by Coach Jess and two players on the team https://tiverton.recdesk.com/Community/Program 2) Thursday nights - free open court with Tiverton Tennis
9 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Congratulations to the Tiverton Middle School students who proudly represented Rhode Island at the 2024 National History Day competition at the University of Maryland. The sixth graders presented their exhibit, documentary, and performance to national judges, met with R.I. Congressmen Gabe Amo and Seth Magaziner at the U.S. Capitol, toured Washington, D.C., and marched in the Parade of Affiliates at the Closing Ceremony.
9 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.
10 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
“Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.”
“Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.”
“Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.”
“Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.”
“Last week’s Annual Field Day & Color Run Event at Ranger School played host to the dedication of their Outdoor Classroom in honor of their principal, Mr. Cabral, as he prepares for his well deserved retirement.”
SUMMER HOURS: The MLK/THS Food Pantry will be open weekly on Tuesdays from 7-9 AM beginning June 18th and ending August 13th. The pantry is open to families who have students that attend Tiverton Public Schools. Please bring your own bags.
10 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Congratulations to the Tiverton Middle School Mock Trial Team for remaining undefeated in their trial competitions. TMS ranked second in the Rhode Island Mock Trial Tournament and was the only public middle school to compete in the Junior Division this season.
10 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Here is the link for the THS Graduation 2024 Livestream. Congratulations to the class of 2024! 🎓 https://youtube.com/live/pCNSvNhwUW8?feature=share
10 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
SELAC Upcoming Meeting June 11, 2024 5:30 - 6:30pm Tiverton Library
10 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools