Tiverton students announced as VFW Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen winners
The Tiverton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5392 congratulate Tiverton High School students for participating in this year’s Voice of Democracy Contest. Students wrote essays and created voice recordings of their work based on this year’s theme, “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?” Caroline Durost placed first, Benjamin Simone placed second, and Ian Botelho placed third. At the middle school level, Tiverton Middle School students were honored for participating in the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest. Students wrote essays based on this year’s theme, “How Are You Inspired by America?” Wesley Marchand placed first, William Ramos placed second, and Alexis Roy placed third.
Pictured in the front row from left to right are Alexis Roy, Wesley Marchand, and William Ramos.
Back row from left to right are Junior Vice Commander Stephan Greenwood, Benjamin Simone, Ian Botelho, Commander Charlie Mulcahy, and Senior Vice Commander Frank Peters. (Not pictured, Caroline Durost)

Due to the anticipated severe weather conditions, Tiverton Public Schools will be closed for in-person instruction, as well as all after-school activities on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. In light of this, students will be provided with their Chromebooks and are required to adhere to a distance learning day schedule. Precise schedules will be communicated by the respective principals shortly. Your safety and education remain our top priorities during this challenging weather event.

The Tiverton High School Mock Trial Team has done it again! For the third straight year, they have advanced to the Elite Eight in the Rhode Island Mock Trial Tournament playoffs. Tiverton represented the defense and was victorious in the Sweet Sixteen playoff round over Mount St. Charles Academy, representing the prosecution. Tiverton will participate in the Quarterfinals later this month.

Registration is open for the Four Corners Art Center winter vacation Art Camps!
For more information visit: https://www.fourcornersarts.org/

Kindergarten registration is now open! Registration will run from today until April 1st. Register now by clicking on the QR code below! Kindergarten screening will begin in April, more information will follow. We can't wait to meet you!

Reminder: There is no school on January 26th, 2024 our educators will be engaging in learning activates in their scheduled professional development classes.
Link to SY 23/24 Calendar: https://5il.co/211as

The Tiverton School Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 9th has been canceled.
All Agenda items have been moved to the next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd.

This week, Rhode Island Historical Society presenters Michelle Walker and Sally Meyer shared historical research strategies with Tiverton Middle School 6th graders. The students will apply these methods to develop their National History Day projects in social studies.

On Monday, November 20th and Tuesday, November 21st all Tiverton Public Schools will hold Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Please select your child's school to sign up for a Parent/ Teacher conference using this link provided: https://www.tivertonschools.org/page/parent-teacher-conferences

Tiverton Middle School students participated in a mock election this week to vote for the new RI Congressman. Students went to the polls in the TMS library and marked their choice on official ballots provided by the Secretary of State's Office. They also cast their ballots using the vote tabulator machine.

Students in Mrs. Costa's social studies class have been learning about the election process, the importance of voting, and comparing voter turnout rates in RI. They designed infographics to display the knowledge they gained and shared their findings while interviewing our next generation of voters, Tiverton High School seniors—special thanks to Mr. Landoch and his students for partnering with TMS on this project-based learning activity.

Congratulations to our 2023 Tiverton District Teacher of the Year, Staci Del Deo, who was honored at the Rhode Island Department of Education’s WaterFire celebration in Providence.

TMS Trimester Dates 23/24

The Tiverton Middle School Mock Trial Team is a competitive group of students in grades 6-8 who prosecute and defend a mock case in a Rhode Island courtrooms. Students perform as attorneys and witnesses to present the facts of the case to a jury. Under the leadership of Attorney Jeffrey Sowa and teacher advisor Christine Costa, students learn to write and deliver persuasive arguments and develop their public speaking skills. The team participates in two regular-season trials each year.
Students interested in trying out for the team must complete the registration form by the day before tryouts.
Tryout Registration link: https://forms.gle/cUeENYf2Mxnfeozt9

Good sleep habits are a critical component to good attendance.

Excited for another school year! Let's make this year the best one yet! Attendance matters!

School starts Thursday, August 31st 📚

Good Evening Pocasset Families,
The free and reduced lunch application is now available! Please use this link to apply:
If you have a DDS letter for automatically qualifying Free Lunch, please send it in with your child this week.
Thank you! - Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal