Our Pocasset first-grade classes, joined by our dedicated police escorts, proudly wore hats and scarves crafted by the talented knitters of the Tiverton Senior Center as a thank-you for our "Thriller" performance. It was a fantastic day of community connection and service!
2 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Discover Girl Scouts! Wednesday September 25, 5:30-6:30pm Cardi’s Community Room 999 Newport Ave, South Attleboro, MA 02703
4 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Good afternoon Tiverton Community, We are pleased to announce the launch of our new after-school program, Beyond the Bell. This program will replace the previous Tiger Cubs offering. Beyond the Bell is designed as an extension of our Early Risers program, which operates before school hours. For any questions, please contact us at earlyrisers@tivertonschools.org. For additional details, visit our website: https://www.tivertonschools.org/page/early-risers-program https://www.tivertonschools.org/o/tsd/page/beyondthebell
5 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Beyond the Bell
The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Lunch application is now available. Apply online today at https://www.nlappscloud.com/District.aspx?apply=1
5 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Lunch application is now available. Apply online today at https://www.nlappscloud.com/District.aspx?apply=1
Kindergarten Orientation Wednesday August 21st We cannot wait to welcome your child to Kindergarten. Thank you for saving this date for the Family Orientations to Kindergarten. This date applies to all three schools, for registered students only. More info to follow the week of August 5th. We hope that your child & you can attend!
5 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
K Orientation
Good Afternoon Pocasset Families, We have a fun filled mini-week planned! Reminder: school ends on Wednesday, June 12 at noon. Many thanks to the PTO and all our Parent Volunteers who helped with our wonderful Color Run last Friday, and thanks in advance to all our Parent Volunteers and PTO for helping out with Field Day tomorrow. Dr. S. Wordell, Principal
7 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
SELAC Upcoming Meeting June 11, 2024 5:30 - 6:30pm Tiverton Library
7 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Good Afternoon Pocasset Families, Please see the attached flyer about Field Day 2024. Thanks, and we hope to see you there! Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
7 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Afternoon, Please see the below flyer about Color Run reminders. Thanks, and we hope to see many of you on Friday! Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
7 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Morning Pocasset Families, We'd like to welcome our new Comfort Dog Apollo to Pocasset! His owner is Mrs. Azevedo, and I am attaching a paper about Apollo to this email. Be on the lookout for him! Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
7 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Evening Pocasset Families, Below is the WWW for May 28, 2024. I hope you have a great week! Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
7 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Afternoon Pocasset Families, Here's the information for Memorial Day Celebrations on Friday! 1. Dress - Red/White/Blue 2. Permission slip needed for VFW walk - this is closed to parents/families. This is our all school practice of our ceremony. 3. 1:30 pm in our Playground is our Memorial Day Ceremony!!! All Pocasset Families are INVITED!! Come and see our students honor our veterans and celebrate America! 4. NEW THIS YEAR: We are requiring a DISMISSAL FORM for ALL STUDENTS to help expedite dismissal after the Memorial Day Ceremony. We are sending this paper home with students today. Thank you! One last note: If you dismiss your child early from school on Friday, please be aware that the Pocasset playground will be CLOSED until 3:30 pm, since school will still be in session until then. Thank you, and we're looking forward to seeing all of you then! Kindly, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
8 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Memorial Day Ceremony 2024
Registration for the upcoming school year is now open for all grades! Visit www.Tivertonschools.org to register your child today!
8 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Registration for the upcoming school year is now open for all grades!  Visit www.Tivertonschools.org to register your child today!
Good Evening Pocasset Families, Here is the Wordell's Weekly Words for May 14, 2024. Thanks for all you do, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
8 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Morning Pocasset Families, Please see the below Wordell's Weekly Words for 5/7/24. Thank you! Also, a shout-out to all the Teachers and Staff at Pocasset for National Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Our team is simply the best in Tiverton! Kindly, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
8 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Evening Pocasset Families, Attached is the Wordell's Weekly Words for April 30, 2024. In this special edition, I have tried to list many of the main, important dates through the end of the school year. Of course, since it is the end of the school year, I'm sure there will still be more fun activities added, but at least you'll have the dates for the main events through our last day of June, which is a full day, on June 12, 2024. Please feel free to email me at swordell@tivertonschools.org with any questions or concerns. Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
8 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Taylor Swift Dance Party!
9 months ago, Tiverton Public Schools
Good Afternoon Pocasset Families, Attached is a copy of the Wordell's Weekly Words for April 23, 2024. Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
9 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Morning Pocasset Families, I am attaching a copy of the WWW for April 8th. I hope you have a great day! Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
9 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Good Evening Pocasset Families, Here's a summary of our Reading Week Dress Up Days 2024. I hope you have a great week! Monday, April 8: Book Character Dress Up Day Tuesday, April 9: Wear Your Favorite Color Day Wednesday, April 10: Read My Shirt Day (Wear a shirt/sweatshirt with school appropriate words) Thursday, April 11: Get Wild About Books Day (Dress as your favorite animal or in animal prints) Friday, April 12: Pocasset Pajama Day!! Thanks, Dr. Suzette Wordell, Principal
9 months ago, Suzette Wordell, Principal - Pocasset Elementary School
Reading Week 2024