Updates and Information

Dear Tiverton Public Schools Family, 

Over the last few weeks we have spent countless hours reviewing two safety/security incidents that have happened at THS . We have used these incidents to review our safety protocols at all five schools. 

As a result, we have formulated several changes to our policies, procedures and training, they are listed below.

Please review the list and should you have any questions and/or suggestions I would like to hear from you.

  • Change “Intruder Who Does Not Pose a Safety Hazard” procedure to – We will now announce “Unwanted Party on Site Full Lock Down Immediately” for all intruders 
  • We will provide ALICE training for THS/TMS students. You can learn more about ALICE here  Alice Letter
  • THS personnel have been assigned to vulnerable locations at the school where a student may enter. 
  • We will continue our lock-down and evacuation drills at all five schools. At this time all five schools have conducted multiple drills. 
  • We will initiate ALICE training drills in conjunction with our lock-down and evacuation drills in cooperation with Tiverton Police.
  • We are negotiating a new MOU with Tiverton Police to ensure police presence at THS whenever the school is open going forward.

Communication Enhancements:

  • We will coordinate our communications with the Police for Consistency 
  • Our communications will become more detailed oriented and timely 
  • When appropriate we will use the Text /Robo Call features of our communication system to contact parents
  • We will include high school students on our communications

 Our schools are extremely safe due to the multiple security measures we employ and the dedication of our staff. The above changes will enhance our already deep commitment to safety .

We have continued the dialogue with multiple constituent groups about school safety and security. The conversations have been rewarding and have yielded some great suggestions. I have been compiling this information and will be presenting my report to the School Committee at their meeting on February 28th . As mentioned in my correspondence from last week, multiple action items have already been put in place. One item that I wish to share with you today is the attached training video on ALICE designed for parents and community members to understand this protocol designed to respond to an intruder. The video provides useful footage for a parent to explain ALICE to their child.


We have been using a new technology in our high school science classes to help our students learn - take a look.


The Newport County Regional Special Education Local Advisory Committee is a group of parents and professionals working together to provide advice to the Regional Special Education Department with regard to Special Education Services. We act as an advocacy group for students with disabilities from Middletown, Little Compton and Tiverton. More information here. Newport County Regional Special Education Local Advisory Committee 


Below are community notices for Tiverton Youth Baseball and Softball. 

Tiverton Youth Softball 

Tiverton Youth Baseball 

Winter has arrived and so is my responsibility to make the sometimes-unpopular decision to delay or close the school buildings due to inclement weather conditions. The document below outlines that process:

Winter Message 

Below I have shared some reminders. Please take a moment to review this information that helps support our schools. 


Early Risers Before School Program: Should you need to drop your child off at our schools prior to the scheduled start time, please consider enrolling your child in our Early Risers Program that is available to all Fort Barton, Pocasset, Ranger and TMS students for a nominal fee. The Tiverton Public Schools is proud to offer this successful before school program for any students in grades K - 8. The Early Risers Program allows families to drop off students anytime after 6:45 AM at the designated location. Early Risers is open every day that school is open and is a fun and friendly program that allows for students to socialize through crafting and other activities. For more information on the Early Risers Program, visit our website HERE. Registration is required to participate in this program. It is really important for planning purposes, to register your child as soon as possible. Your timely registration is greatly appreciated so that the Early Risers Program Coordinator can continue to provide an excellent program for your child. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Christine Giannini at cgiannini@tivertonschools.org

School Committee Meetings: All School Committee meetings are available to watch via YouTube on the "Tiverton Videos" Channel.  All School Committee agendas are available on the Rhode Island Secretary of State's website

Updated School Calendar: The latest school calendar for the 22 - 23 school year is HERE

Chromebook Insurance: Should you wish to purchase insurance for your child's school issued Chromebook device, please review the directions provided on the following digital flyer:  https://5il.co/1i3ut

Dell Education Discount: TPS families are able to purchase Dell products at a discount through their Education program. Please use the following link for more information:  www.Dell.com/mpp/TivertonSchools

Athletics: Our athletic schedules for our Tiverton High School and Middle School sports teams are available directly on our new website under the "Go Tigers!" section and the Events section of our Main Menu on our website. Catch our Tigers in action! 

We are Hiring:  It takes great people to create a positive student experience and Tiverton Public Schools are looking to add to our great team of people. Please take a look at the positions that we are currently looking to fill in our schools on https://www.schoolspring.comWe highly encourage anyone interested in any of our current positions to create a SchoolSpring account and apply. 

Have a great vacation week,

Peter Sanchioni, Ph.D.


Tiverton Public Schools

100 North Brayton Road, Rear

Tiverton, Rhode Island 02878

(401) 624-8475
