Our Superintendent


Mission Statement

Our purpose is to provide all students we serve with an exceptional education through high-quality instruction and positive relationships.

Vision Statement

The Tiverton School District will be a premier educational institution, a source of pride and innovation, preparing all students for post-secondary education.

Portrait of a Tiverton Graduate

In 2022, we asked every student, parent, staff member, and multiple community members to let us know the most important competencies they would like to see in our graduates. Thus, through a broad community consensus, we identified these five:

  1. Empathy

  2. Collaboration

  3. Responsibility

  4. Communication

  5. Critical Thinking

This list could not be more perfect. Four out of our five competencies were on the list developed by Fortune 500 companies as the most desirable skills they look for in hiring their employees. Our only difference was that they listed leadership and we have empathy. Our goal for this year is to embed experiences with these five competencies into all grade levels and courses offered in our school system. By doing this we focus on the readiness gap which is providing our students with the skills they need to be successful in life after high school. This will become Tiverton’s "North Star" for our transformation process. As the year progresses please ask your children about how they are learning and developing empathy, collaboration, responsibility, communication and critical thinking skills.

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Portrait of a Tiverton Educator

Administrator Vision Statement: Our staff will be well-trained and appropriately supported to do their job.​

What is a Portrait of a Tiverton Educator?

A Portrait of an Educator defines the skills a Tiverton Educator needs in order to enable students to attain the competencies identified in the Portrait of a Graduate.

1.) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator consistently prepares and executes five or more writing assessments and is able to discuss their findings with their colleagues to personalize instruction for all students. (PR7)

2.) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will consistently and actively participate in the Professional Learning Community (PLC) while addressing the four critical questions of the PLC (PR6).

3.) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will consistently integrate Technology as evidenced by (re)designing ten or more lessons that align with the curriculum to enhance learning for all students . (PR8) Assigning a software program such as Lexia, Envsion Math or Amplify Science would not be integrating technology to redesign a lesson.

4.) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will consistently demonstrate teaching strategies that raise student achievement (Green book) as evidenced by integrating all nine cognitive context strategies into their teaching. (PR2 & PR5)

  1. Posting and stating the Mastery Objective

  2. Posting and stating the Essential Questions

  3. Sharing and reviewing Daily Agendas

  4. Using Activators (Do Now)

  5. Using Summarizers (Exit tickets)

  6. Prepare Students to Understand and Process Information (Connecting to Prior Learning, etc.)

  7. Connecting the lesson to the real world and students’ lives

  8. Checking in on students’ well being 

  9. Assigning homework at the beginning of class

5a.) (Grades 6 through 12) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will consistently develop and execute four (4) project-based learning activities as evidenced by

the elements of “a good project.” (PR8 & PR9)


5b.) (Grades K through 5) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will demonstrate proficiency in the Knowledge of Practices in the Science of Literacy and the Structured Literacy as evidenced by the implementation of LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training. (PR8 & PR9) Volume 1 for 2022- 2023

6.) A Highly Effective Tiverton Educator will consistently provide evidence of the incorporation into their teaching of the five competencies within the Portrait of a Tiverton Graduate. (PR1)