Student Services Department
Welcome to the Department of Student Services in the Tiverton Public Schools. The Department of Student Services works with district and school leaders and teachers to:
Provide a “free, appropriate, public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE)” for every student requiring special education services, ages 3 – 22
Support Tiverton Public Schools programs and goals with special education services and other student services programming
Continue to close the gap (academic and functional) by maintaining and improving the quality of our special education programs and provide a continuum of services for grades Pre-K to 12, and transition services
Build and maintain effective partnerships with families and other community stakeholders
Confidential Administrative Assistant to the Director of Student Services

Jenna Ouellette
Special Education Coordinator Tiverton High School & Tiverton Middle School

Deidre Gauch
Personalized Learning Supports
All students in Tiverton are provided with access to our curriculum, quality core instruction, ongoing analysis of any support needs and/or differentiation, and safe supportive learning environments.
As needed, the Tiverton School Department works with families to support students with individualized health care needs, those with different languages of origin who are English Learners, students with disabilities requiring accommodation, students from military families, as well as students who require specialized instruction.
Additional information about each area of support is available under the tabs below.