Tiverton School District Listing
Tiverton School District
100 North Brayton Road, rear entrance
Tiverton, RI 02878
Ph: 401-624-8476
Fax: 401-624-4086
Peter Sanchioni | Superintendent
Amy Roderick | Director of Administration & Finance
Michael Mendes | Director of Facilities
Daniel Andrade | Director of Technology
Tiverton High School
100 North Brayton Road
Tiverton, RI 02878Ph: 401-624-8494
Fax: 401-624-9495
Susan Craven | Principal
Tiffany Bolduc | Assistant Principal
Tiverton Middle School
10 Quintal Drive Tiverton, RI 02878
Ph: 401-624-6668
Fax: 401-624-6669
Andrew Zitoli | Principal
Scott Kellett | Assistant Principal

Fort Barton Elementary School
99 Lawton Avenue
Tiverton, RI 02878
Ph: 401-624-6114
Amy Donnelly Roche | Principal
Pocasset Elementary School
242 Main Road
Tiverton, RI 02878
Ph: 401-624-6654
Fax: 401-624-7889
Suzette Wordell | Principal
Ranger Elementary School
278 North Brayton Road
Tiverton, RI 02878
Ph: 401-624-8467
Fax: 401-624-8468
Manuel Cabral Jr. | Principal